Tread softly, her dreams are beneath our feet.

Monday, November 1, 2010

BP2 Google Screen Shots

A recipe for an organized grad student.
First we add a shot of "Home"

Then a touch of FSO tab
Spice with a little CBR

Then I finish the recipe with a dash of ETC tab

And that my friends is how to organize a disorganized grad student.
Bon apetite.

1 comment:

  1. Alx, if you only knew how Disorganized I am. The creativity that you show in your posts is hopefully going to be contagious. Even though this is just a simple posting of screen shots of your iGoogle page, I love the way you have created it into a recipe for successfully helping a disorganized person. LOL....I know how time consuming some of the iGoogle page set up can be, and I now feel slightly more organized because of it being set up. Bon Apetite to you :)
